Overview of PyImfit

PyImfit is a Python wrapper around the (C++-based) image-fitting program Imfit (Github site).


Imfit (boldface) refers to the C++ program (and the C++-based library that PyImfit is built upon).

PyImfit is the general name for this Python package; pyimfit is the official Python name (e.g., import pyimfit).

Finally, Imfit refers to the pyimfit.Imfit class, which does most of the work.

For Those Already Familiar with Imfit

If you’ve already used the command-line version of Imfit, here are the essential things to know:

  • PyImfit operates on 2D NumPy arrays instead of FITS files; to use a FITS file, read it into Python via, e.g., astropy.io.fits.
  • Models (and initial parameter values and parameter limits for a fit) are specified via the ModelDescription class. The utility function parse_config_file will read a standard Imfit configuration file and return an instance of that class with the model specification. You can also build up a ModelDescription instance by programmatically specifying components from within Python, or via a dict-based description.
  • Fitting is done by instantiating an Imfit object with a ModelDescription object as input, then adding a 2D NumPy array as the data to be fit (along with, optionally, mask and error images, the image A/D gain value, etc.) with the loadData method, and then calling the doFit method (along with the minimization algorithm to use). Or just call the fit method and supply the data image, etc., as part of its input.
  • Once the fit is finished, information about the fit (final χ2 value, best-fit paremeter values, etc.) and the best-fitting model image can be obtained by querying properties and methods of the Imfit object.

See Sample Usage for a simple example of how this works.

The Basics

There are three basic things you can do with PyImfit:

  1. Generate model images
  2. Fit models to a pre-existing (data) image
  3. Generate χ2 or likelihood values from a comparison of model and data (e.g., for use with other fitting software, MCMC analysis, etc.)

In Imfit (and PyImfit), a “model” consists of one or more image functions from a library built into Imfit, sharing one or more common locations within an image and added together to form a summed model image. Each image function can generate a 2D image; the final model image is the sum of its component image functions. Optionally, the summed model image can then be convolved with a user-supplied Point-Spread Function (PSF) image to simulate the effects of seeing and telescope optics. (For greater accuracy, subsections of the image can be oversampled on a finer pixel scale and convolved with a correspondingly oversampled PSF image or images; these subsection are then downsampled back to the native image pixel scale.)

Specify the model (and its parameters)

The model is specified by an instance of the ModelDescription class.

For the command-line program, this is done via a “configuration” text file, which has a specific format described in the Imfit manual (PDF), or in this page of the online docs.

If you have a configuration file, you can load it via the convenience function parse_config_file

model_desc = pyimfit.parse_config_file(configFilePath)

where configFilePath is a string specifying the path to the configuration file.

You can also construct a ModelDescription instance programmatically from within Python; see below for a very simple example, or Sample Usage for a slightly more complicated example. Finally, you can create a ModelDescription instance by calling the class function ModelDescription.dict_to_ModelDescription with a dict-based description of the model; see below for an example.

(You can get a list of the available image functions – “Sersic”, “Exponential”, etc. – from the package-level variable pyimfit.imageFunctionList, and you can get a list of the parameter names for each function from pyimfit.imageFunctionDict. These functions are described in detail in the Imfit manual (PDF).)

Once you have a ModelDescription object describing the model, you can create an instance of the Imfit class based on the model; optionally, if you want the model to be convolved with a PSF, you can also supply the PSF image (in the form of a 2D NumPy array):

imfitter = pyimfit.Imfit(model_desc)
imfitter = pyimfit.Imfit(model_desc, psfImage)

Creating a model; setting parameter values and limits

Each image-function parameter within a model can have a “current” value (e.g., the initial guess for the fitting process, the result from the fit, etc.) and either: a set of lower and upper limits for possible values or the string “fixed”, which means the parameter value should be kept constant during fits.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, all size values are in pixels, and all intensity/surface-brightness values are in counts/pixel. (Photometric zero points are not needed except for the optional case of computing model magnitudes; see below.)

A very simple example of programmatically constructing a model:

model_desc = pyimfit.SimpleModelDescription()
# define the limits on the central-coordinate X0 and Y0 as +/-10 pixels relative to initial values
# (note that Imfit treats image coordinates using the IRAF/Fortran numbering scheme: the lower-left
# pixel in the image has coordinates (x,y) = (1,1))
model_desc.x0.setValue(105, [95,115])
model_desc.y0.setValue(62, [52,72])

# create an Exponential image function, then define the parameter initial values and limits
disk = pyimfit.make_imfit_function("Exponential", label="disk")
# set initial values, lower and upper limits for central surface brightness I_0, scale length h;
# specify that ellipticity is to remain fixed
disk.I_0.setValue(100.0, [0.0, 500.0])
disk.h.setValue(25, [10,50])
disk.PA.setValue(40, [0, 180])
disk.ell.setValue(0.5, fixed=True)


X0      105.0       95.0,115.0
Y0      62.0        52.0,72.0
FUNCTION Exponential   # LABEL disk
PA      40.0        0.0,100.0
ell     0.5     fixed
I_0     100.0       0.0,500.0
h       25.0        10.0,50.0

Constructing the same model using Python dicts:

# for each function, set up a dict mapping parameter names to lists of values and (optional) limits;
# (e.g., the 'PA' parameter for the Exponential function has an initial value of 40 and lower and upper
# limits of 0 and 100, while the 'ell' parameter has an initial value of 0.5 and will be held fixed
# during the fit);
# then make a dict for that function
exponentialParamsDict = {'PA': [40, 0,100], 'ell': [0.5, "fixed"], 'I_0': [100.0, 0.0,500.0], 'h': [25, 10,50]}
exponentialDict = {'name': "Exponential", 'label': "disk", 'parameters': exponentialParamsDict}

# make one or more function-set dicts
functionSetDict = {'X0': [105, 95,115], 'Y0': [62, 52,72], 'function_list': [exponentialDict]}

# finally, make the dict describing the model and instantiate a ModelDescription object from it
modelDict = {'function_sets': [functionSetDict]}
model_desc = pyimfit.ModelDescription.dict_to_ModelDescription(modelDict)

X0      105.0       95.0,115.0
Y0      62.0        52.0,72.0
FUNCTION Exponential   # LABEL disk
PA      40.0        0.0,100.0
ell     0.5     fixed
I_0     100.0       0.0,500.0
h       25.0        10.0,50.0

Fit a model to the data

Specify the data (and optional mask) image

The data image must be a 2D NumPy array (internally, it will be converted to double-precision floating point with native byte order, if it isn’t already).

You pass in the data image to the previously generated Imfit object (imfitter) using the latter’s loadData method:


You can also specify a mask image, which should be a NumPy integer or float array where values = 0 indicate good pixels, and values > 0 indicate bad pixels that should not be used in the fit. Alternatively, if the data array is a NumPy MaskedArray, then its mask will be used. (If the data array is a MaskedArray and you supply a separate mask image, then the final mask will be the composition of the data array’s mask and the mask image.)

imfitter.loadData(data_im, mask=mask_im)

Image-description parameters, statistical models and fit statistics

When calling the loadData method, you can tell the Imfit object about the statistical model you want to use: what the assumed uncertainties are for the data values, and what “fit statistic” is to be minimized during the fitting process.

  • χ2 with data-based errors (default): the default is a standard χ2 approach using per-pixel Gaussian errors, with the assumption that the errors (sigma values) can be approximated by the square root of the data values.
  • χ2 with model-based errors: Alternately, you can specify model-based errors, where the sigma values are the square root of the model values (these are automatically recomputed for every iteration of the fitting process).
  • χ2 with user-supplied errors: You can also supply a noise/error array which is the same size as the data array and holds per-pixel sigma or variance values precomputed in some fashion (e.g., from an image-reduction pipeline).
  • Poisson-based (“Poisson Maximum-Likelihood-Ratio” = “PMLR”): Finally, you can specify that individual pixel errors come from the model assuming a true Poisson process (rather than the Gaussian approximation to Poisson statistics that’s used in the χ2 approaches). This is particularly appropriate when individual pixel values of the data are low.

You can also tell the Imfit object useful things about the data values: what A/D gain conversion was applied, any Gaussian read noise, any constant background value that was previously subtracted from the data image, etc. (You do not need to do this if you are supplying your own noise/errror array.)

Whatever you chose, you can specify this as part of the call to loadData, e.g.

# default chi^2, assuming an A/D gain of 4.5 e-/ADU and Gaussian read noise with sigma^2 = 0.7 e-
imfitter.loadData(data_im, gain=4.5, read_noise=0.7)

# chi^2 with model-based errors
imfitter.loadData(data_im, gain=4.5, read_noise=0.7, use_model_for_errors=True)

# chi^2 with a NumPy variance array `variances_im` (gain and read noise are not needed)
imfitter.loadData(data_im, error=variances_im, error_type="variance")

# Poisson Maximum-Likelihood-Ratio statistics (read noise is not used in this mode)
imfitter.loadData(data_im, gain=4.5, use_poisson_mlr=True)

Performing the Fit

To actually perform the fit, you call the doFit method on the Imfit object. You can specify which of the three different minimization algorithms you want to use with the solver keyword; the default is “LM” for the Levenberg-Marquardt minimizer.

  • “LM” = Levenberg-Marquardt (the default): this is a fast, gradient-descent-based minimizer.
  • “NM” = Nelder-Mead Simplex: slower, possibly less likely to be trapped in local minimum of the fit landscape.
  • “DE” = Differential Evolution: genetic-algorithm-based; very slow; probably least likely to be trapped in local minima. (This method ignores the initial parameter guesses, instead choosing random values selected from within the lower and upper parameter bounds.)


# default Levenberg-Marquardt fit
result = imfitter.doFit()

# fit using Nelder-Mead simplex
result = imfitter.doFit(solver='NM')

Feedback from the fit: By default, the Imfit object is silent during the fitting process. If you want to see feedback, you can set the verbose keyword of the doFit() method: verbose=1 will print out periodic updates of the current fit statistic (e.g., χ2; verbose=2 will also print the current best-fit parameter values of the model each time it prints the current fit statistic.

WARNING: Currently, there is no way to interrupt a fit once it has started! (Other than killing the underlying Python process, that is. This may change in the future.)

Shortcut: Load data and do the fit in one step

A shortcut is to call the fit method on the Imfit object. This lets you supply the data image (along with the optional mask), specify the statistical model (χ2, etc.) and (optionally) the minimization algorithm and verbosity, and start the fit all in one go

result = imfitter.fit(data_im, gain=4.5, use_poisson_mlr=True, solver="NM", verbose=1)

Inspecting the results of a fit

The Imfit object returns an instance of the FitResult class, which is closely based on the OptimizeResult class of scipy.optimize and is basically a Python dict with attribute access

There are three or four basic things you might want to look at in the FitResult object when the fit finishes. You can get these things from the FitResult object that’s returned from the doFit() method, or by querying the Imfit object; the examples below show each possibility.

  1. See if the fit actually converged (either True or False):

  2. See the value of the final fit statistic, and related values:

    result.fitStat   # final chi^2 or PMLR value
    result.reducedFitStat   # reduced version of same
    result.aic   # corresponding Akaike Information Criterion value
    result.bic   # corresponding Bayesian Information Criterion value

3.A. Get the best-fit parameter values in the form of a 1D NumPy array:

bestfit_parameters = result.params
bestfit_parameters = imfitter.getRawParameters()

3.B. Get the 1-sigma uncertainties on the best-fit parameter values in the form of a 1D NumPy array. Note that these are only produced if the default Levenberg-Marquardt solver was used, and are fairly crude estimates that should be used with caution. A somewhat better approach might be to do bootstrap resampling, or even use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo code such as “emcee”.

bestfit_parameters_errs = results.paramErrs
bestfit_parameters_errs = imfit_fitter.getParameterErrors()

Other things you might be interested in:

  1. Get the best-fitting model image (a 2D NumPy array)

    bestfit_model_im = imfitter.getModelImage()
  2. Get fluxes and magnitudes for the best-fitting model – note that what is returned is a tuple of the total flux/magnitude and a NumPy array of the fluxes/magnitudes for the individual components of the model (in the order they are listed in the model):

    # get the total flux (counts or whatever the pixel values are) and the
    # individual-component fluxes
    (totalFlux, componentFluxes) = imfitter.getModelFluxes()
    # get total and individual-component magnitudes, if you know the zero point
    # for your image (25.72 in this example)
    (totalMag, componentMagnitudes) = imfitter.getModelMagnitudes(zeroPoint=25.72)

Of course, you might also want to inspect the residuals of the fit; since your data image and the output best-fit model image are both NumPy arrays, this is simple enough:

residual_im = data_im - bestfit_model_im

Getting the model description

There are two ways to get a copy of the current model description (which will include the current best-fit parameter values if a successful fit was performed, though it will not include parameter error estimates). The first returns a ModelDescription object; the second returns a dict containing information about the model (which may be simpler to inspect). The dict format can then be used with pyimfit.ModelDescription.dict_to_ModelDescription() to generate a new ModelObject instance.

model_desc = imfitter.getModelDescription()

model_dict = imfitter.getModelAsDict()

Generate a model image (without fitting)

Sometimes you may want to generate model images without fitting any data. In this case, you can call the getModelImage method on the Imfit object without running the fit.

model_im = imfitter.getModelImage(shape=image_shape)

where image_shape is a 2-element integer tuple defining the image shape in the usual NumPy fashion (i.e., an image with n_rows and n_colums has shape=(n_columns,n_rows)).

If the Imfit object (imfitter) already has a data image assigned to it, then the output image will have the same dimensions as the data image, and you do not need to specify the shape.

Note that by default this will generate a model image using the current parameter values of the model (the initial values, if no fit has been done, or the best-fit values if a fit has been done). You can specify that a different set of parameter values (in the form of a 1-D NumPy array of the correct length) should be used to compute the model via the newParameters keyword:

model_im = imfitter.getModelImage(newParameters=parameter_array)